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Health Services

GUSD Health Services Office - Room 203
Phone: (818) 241-3111 ext. 1407 | Fax: (818) 547-0213

Virginia Porter, BSN, RN, PHN, Coordinator III
 Jenifer Aguas, Administrative Assistant

Medication: Includes All Pills, Drops, Inhalants, Loons, ointments, and injections.

School personnel, if authorized by the administrator and trained by the school nurse, may assist students who must take prescribed medication during school hours through use of the following procedures:

  • The “Request For Medication To Be Taken During School Hours” Form must be completed by the student’s physician, signed by the parent or guardian, and filed with the school administrator. This request must be renewed each school year. If the medication program is changed, a new request form must be submitted.
  • The medication must be in the original prescription container, clearly labeled with the following information:
  • Student’s full name
  • Physician’s name and telephone number
  • Name of medication, dosage, time schedule, dose form, and adverse effects
  • Date of prescription expiration
  • No more than a 5 day supply of any medication is to be kept at school.
  • The medication is not to be kept by the student. Special circumstances may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the school administrator and school nurse.
  • Medication shall be kept in a secure place at all times.
  • Whenever possible, the parent or other responsible adult should come to school to administer the medication.
  • The school nurse will consider each case individually and have the authority to determine whether or not medication can be administered safely at school.
  • Hypodermic injections will not be given by school personnel. Any exceptions must be specifically authorized by the Coordinator of Health Services.
  • For emergency medication, such as an asthma inhaler, that needs to be carried by the student, please ask for form #HS 25c in your school health office.

Medication Forms:


Regulations Regarding Student Medication

No student shall be given medication during school hours except upon written request from their parent or guardian and a licensed physician who has the responsibility for the medical management of the student (Education Code Section 49423).


Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

Since 2011, California law requires students to be immunized against pertussis (also known as "Tdap"). Students must receive one dose of the Tdap vaccine on or after their 7th birthday. Additionally, all students entering the 7th grade will need proof of a Tdap booster shot before starting school.

Dental Examination Information for Parents

A dental examination is required by State Law for kindergarten students (Education Code Section 49452.8). This dental checkup is recommended at the kindergarten level, but not earlier than 12 months before admission into kindergarten (or 1st grade if this is the child's first time in school), and not later than May 31, during the kindergarten year. The law specifies that the dental examination must be done by a licensed dentist or other licensed or registered dental health professional.

Student Clearance To Return To School After Injury

Students returning to school following an injury MUST have written authorization from their doctor/health care clinic allowing them to wear or use the following:
  • Cast
  • Crutches
  • Sling
  • Brace
  • Ace bandage
  • Sutures
  • Ongoing wraps or braces for PE

The doctor and or health care clinic must also state any restrictions necessary for the safety of your child while at school.

Re-admittance of Student Wearing Braces, Casts, Ace Wrap, or Using Crutches Form