Below you will find important information for current GUSD employees. To view current job descriptions and salary schedules, visit our Certificated and Classified employee pages.
GUSD Employee Handbook 2024-25
If you have any questions, contact Dr. Kyle Bruich or Margie Fester via email or call (818) 241-3111, ext. 1259.
Below are the current calendars for certificated and classified employees. Click here to access elementary and secondary attendance calendars.
Certificated Calendars | Classified Calendars |
2026-27 |
2024-25 2025-26
The catastrophic sick leave bank is available for permanent certificated, classified, and management bargaining unit members. Contribution forms are sent to eligible employees annually. Contributions may be made only by permanent bargaining unit members who have not previously contributed to the Bank.
Per California Senate Bill (SB) 553, employers covered by SB 553 must establish, implement, and maintain an effective written Workplace Violence Prevention Plan. Employers must immediately report any serious injury, illness, or death resulting from workplace violence to Cal/OSHA.